Got a question?

It may have been asked before...

Here are the answers to some of the more common questions (& APPLY TO ALL CATEGORIES):

How many Weigh-ins are there?                                                                                                      

The Challenge itself runs for 6 weeks duration, and there are 6 weigh-ins in total.  Once you have attended the initial weigh-in, you will receive your pdf book which contains all of the information that you need for the challenge.

At the initial weigh-in, I will get to meet you all personally and answer any questions that you may have. There is a Circuit class that commences at 6:30pm, which  you are welcome to join, please note that there is an additional cost for the classes. (see pricing page or Circuit classes page for more information). 

After that, there is weigh-ins at the same time every week. These are not compulsory to attend, but I do recommend that you try and attend  as many as you can. The winner of each weekly weigh-in (based on the greatest % of weight lost) will win a $10 Stellar Fitness merchandise voucher to spend on merchandise. 

The initial and final weigh-ins ARE compulsory to be eligible for the prizes.

 How much does this cost?                                                                                                               

 The cost is a single payment of $40  to register for the Challenge. 

  Are there any additional costs?

 To participate in the challenge, and receive all the tools offered, a minimum attendance of 1 CLASS PER WEEK is required (a class is $10).

 You will also get a lot of additional tools to help you work towards your goals, such as motivational texts for the duration of the challenge, and accountability sheets that have daily tasks for you to complete to help you make healthy lifestyle changes.

 Do I have to use your programme?                                                                                                   

I support all HEALTHY weight loss programmes, but for this challenge I have designed a healthy eating guide that is suitable for the whole family to follow and it has had amazing results from previous challenge contestants. If you are wanting a more specific structured eating plan, for an additional cost I can design a personalised programme for you for successful safe and healthy weight loss designed to keep your weight off forever!

 I don't have much to lose - Can I still Win?                                                                                                        

The Winners are the people who lose the biggest Percentage of Weight Loss during the Challenge. This means that the contest is fair for men & women regardless of your starting weight. 

 Is my progress Private?                                                                                                                           

Of course it is! I am not in the business of humiliating people. The weekly Weigh-ins and optional measurements are confidential to the Challenge contestants  and myself, your Personal Trainer.  I do send out an email every week to the group with the percentage of weight lost results, as this positive reinforcement is great motivation for everybody, but I use first initials only and do not mention actual kilos lost. (depending on your start weight, you can lose a small amount of weight, but it can read as a high %, and vice-versa).

 What happens if I miss a Weigh-in?                                                                                                                           

The weekly weigh-ins are not compulsory; the only ones you must attend are the initial and end weigh-ins to be in the running for the prizes. However, I cannot emphasise how important it is to attend as many as you can to keep you accountable and on track. You are more  likely to stay on track – or get back on track if needed, by checking in on a regular basis. 

 I have more questions - How do I get them answered?                                                                    

 You can send me a message directly through my ‘contact’ page, and I will contact you within 24 hours. I can answer any further questions you might have. Once you have registered, you will receive an email from me with more details regarding the challenge.

 Can I invite my friends along?                                                                                                

 Absolutely! I encourage you to bring friends along to join the Challenge and attend any classes with you (all of the classes are also open to men, please see group classes pages). This will be even more motivating and fun for you and your fat loss!

 Do I Have to Attend the Stellar Fitness Classes offered on the website?                 

I have found in previous challenges that the participants that came to my classes regularly had a higher success rate in their fat loss, and maintaining their goal weight. The only criteria for this challenge is that you must attend at least 1 CLASS EVERY WEEK.  

 I offer a variety of classes, including early morning, daytime, evening, and weekend classes, and different types of classes such as Circuit,Tabata (a high-intensity interval training class), Static Fitness (a bodyweight-only class that combines different tracks from all of the classes, as well as several tracks that focus on strengtnening and toning your legs and butt), this rotates with a Box Circuit class (a combination of the interactive Boxing and Circuit classes), and Fight-fit (a shadow-boxing cardio class). These classes cater to all fitness levels so there is something that will suit everyone – whether you’re new to exercise, a new mum, recovering from injury, or looking to increase or change up your current exercise routine. 

Please make sure before registering for the challenge that you are able to attend at least 1 class every 7 days. You will increase your weight loss results with regular exercise. The pdf book includes information on what the different types of exercise are (e.g low-intensity vs. high-intensity). If you are going away during the course of the challenge, you will need to let me know the dates, and the date of the class that you will resume the week you get back, to remain in the challenge.

What if I Become Injured or sick?

In terms of injuries, all of my classes can be modified to suit individual needs, so you will be able to attend a class still. If you become sick, you'll need to let me know...and we'll decide whether or not you should exercise still, or rest.  :) In the event that you are unable to make a weekly class, you will need to attend an additional class the following week to make it up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PLEASE NOTE: If you don't attend a weekly class, the weigh-in for that week won't be offical, it'll just be for your accountability.

 Can I Still Attend the Classes if I'm No Longer in the Challenge?                                                     

Of course!! If you end up dropping out of the challenge at any stage you are more than welcome to still to continue coming to any of the classes that I offer…you will just no longer continue to receive the additional services that I provide for the challenge.