Stellar BodySync

Stellar BodySync is a 40-45-minute mind/body class that focuses on 3 elements: controlled breathing, flexibility and mobility, and core and upper body strength. 

The components are synced together using simple Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates moves. It is a workout that strengthens and tones your key muscle groups, increases flexibility and joint mobility, focusing largely on the spine. Exercises are done to music creating a holistic workout that focuses your mind; lower stress levels, and provide a sense of well-being and calm. 

WHEN:  Every Monday, 6:10-6:50am

WHERE:  Centennial Hall, 212 Newlands road, Newlands (class will run outdoors at the park next door in fine weather)

WHEN:  Every 2nd Thursday, 6:30-7:15pm (alternates with BATS Tabata)

WHERE:  Bellevue Primary School hall, Newlands

COST: $12.50 per class