Hi my name is Mandy.

I started Kat's classes about May 2011. I had stopped playing sport a few years prior and had piled on the weight. A couple of Shona's footy mates had told me about it and suggested I came along. I was so uncoordinated and I could not complete the butt track but I persisted. At one stage it was a bit of a joke to see how many times Kat would say my name - classes were much smaller and if I stopped doing anything I'd hear "come on Mandy".

I have often thanked Kat for saving my life. I say that, not because a heart attack was imminent but because I was going down a very self destructive path and taking the time to look after myself and do something for myself, was and is, really important.

Kat has taught me so much over the years. I have lost about 8kgs and kept it off. I've lost an additional 10kgs but that lot found me. I have certainly had my fair share of obstacles to overcome including, tearing the ligament in my knee; being hospitalized with abdo pain; tearing my knee again; torn Achilles; pleurisy; and cysts to name a few. It is very disheartening and Kat continues to pick me up and give me hope which gets me back on track.

Exercise really does help to calm the mind and I am forever grateful to Kat for her amazing classes, the variety and the wonderful Stellar Fitness Family that I have become part of. I only had my family and work prior to Stellar Fitness and now my life is so much richer because I am healthier in both body and mind as a result of Kat's classes and the wonderful people that go along.

I believe I am a better mum and partner because I take the time to look after myself. I role model health(ier) eating and mostly feel good about myself and what I have achieved.  I look forward to losing the 10kgs again and keeping it off. I know I can do it now, which is a wonderful gift to have.

Thank you Kat!

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