Kia ora, I’m a beekeeping mum to three (4,6 &16) in Glenside.

I am not in any paid work but I am active in fundraising for local projects (I’m up to $80,000 in 6 years) and I volunteer for Te Awarua o Porirua Catchment and Community Trust - an environmental group focussed on improving the quality of our awa (streams), educating and protecting and enhancing around our precious environment. 

I had been feeling tired, overweight and frustrated so with my 40th approaching I searched for the change I needed and I bravely signed up for the winter Fitness challenge. I shaved 1/3 off my time and surprised myself by winning the competition.  Not to mention the other wins – improved circulation, muscle building and weight loss and catching the fitness bug.

We have a small holding with a firewood business and my partner is a builder so I’m often found climbing up and down scaffolds helping or chucking wood.   My improved fitness is making this aspect of life easier as I’m stronger and faster and a believer that energy creates energy.

This summer with my beekeeping I am moving to full depth honey boxes which full of honey can weigh nearly 30kg. Part of my fitness goals relates to beekeeping and a required strength and fitness to make this easier, so I can continue to do more of what I love. 

My favourite class is boxing and I find peace in swimming and riding my bike.  I’m someone who is both friendly and shy, so I would be really glad if you so please introduce yourself to me at one of Kat’s classes. 

Arohanui , Donna

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